tirsdag 25. november 2014

Cadair Idris

Sunday I went with the hiking club to Cadair Idris. We weren't many going this time, only enough to fill one minibus, and we were only five on the hard group, with me as the only girl (woho, girl power).
 I think Cadair Idris must have been the most beautiful hike I've been on! The name means "the chair of Idris", with Idris being commonly believed to be a gigant who would use the mountain as an armchair to watch the stars.

The hardcore group! The picture is taken by Aaron Labdon.

This was one of the few hikes with (almost) no fog, and we had a beautiful view over Snowdonia. It was worth the steep climbs.

At the top, there was a nice shelter with windows and benches, so we sat inside during the fifteen minutes of fog. I got to taste sloe berries on our way down, which tastes like sour grapes, and leave your mouth dry as sand. It's apparantly good to mix with gin.

Monday I went to the Fun Fair. We bought doughnuts, which were more simmilar to a thick Norwegian version than the American donuts.
If they hadn't been too small, I would have bought one.
Holly and Harriet forced Ruairidh (p: Rory) and me to go on a ride, and I got the chance to practice my cursing and screaming. I tried to throw darts to win a stuffed Michelangelo (the turtle, not the artist), but I lost and got to pick a small price instead. Among the small toys, there was a huge snake, which someone had spilled a bit of coffee on, so I picked him. His name is now Patrick the Party Snake, and he's officially my new pillow.

Today we went to Pembrokshire on a field trip in Marine Biology, and we got to see the sun set over the hills where I went on my first hike in Wales.

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