tirsdag 18. november 2014

Stop the bus, I have to quiz!!!

What do you get when you place a Norwegian who likes her alone time in what is probably the most social school ever? A headace. I'm not complaining, but to finally have an evening by myself is just what I need right now. That doesn't mean I haven't had a great week, though! Saturday I slept over at Emily's, and we spent the whole evening and night eating candy and watching Ouran High School Host Club. Yesterday I went with Christian to Castle Hotel for a charity quiz together with his friends from the Glee club. It was Christan that came up with the team name, which is also the title above. And would you belive it, we actually won!

But I do feel the autumn taking its toll on me. It had been the same every October and November since I started uni. It's still dark when I awake, and the sun sets early. It's not exactly sunny in Aber, and I savor the hours of blue sky I can get. The semester is closing to an end, so the exams are right around the corner, and with them, the guilt of not having studied enough.
  This was never really a problem back home in Alvdal, when there was a promise of snow and its reflected light before Christmas Eve. You could feel it in the air, sharp as ice with every cold breath.
  The chance of getting snow here is even smaller than in Ås. There's still leaves on the trees and there's some blooming roses still holding on to their petals. It's not a bad thing, but I do miss snow. Even in Alvdal the snow is always too late for my liking, but at least you know it will arrive sooner or later.
  Autumn is a slow season. Even the sun is tired. I start snoozing; one minute, five minutes, fifteen... My thoughts feel like syrup and it's diffuclt to keep up my concentration. I wish for school to be over, for my bachelor to be finished and for the long hours of trying to study to end. Sometimes the time speeds up, I might work on a drawing, a story, a project. I want to cuddle up underneath my duvey and drink hot coco and warm my feet on the pipes that stretches along the wall. This is the season when I should eat healthy and keep fit, since it would help me mentally as well, but the only thing I want to do is to go skiing and listen to the sound of the snow being crushed by my weight as I slide over it. I want to feel the sweat run down my spine and the cold air sting in my lungs. If I can't do that, then I want to hibernate in my bed.
At some point, the sun will awaken, the light will come back, and as spring returns, so does my cheerfuless. But until then, I'll keep working my way through the syrup, waiting for the snow that will never fall.

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