torsdag 23. oktober 2014

So many weeks, so much stuff!

So much happened the past weeks, I never got around to refresh my blog.
My computer was a week at the IT department for a health check.
My parents came to visit. We went to the butterfly house and to devil's bridge.
Went pubbing.
Got hit in the face twice by Rowan (and I'm totaly milking it, 'cause it didn't hurt, but I still got a drink XD ).
Tried to fix hotell and flight tickets for Marius to come and visit (there was a reason why FlyBe was cheap, and not a good one).
Went hiking in my new rain gear! I'm really glad I had hiking gear.
Slid down a hill in my new slippery hiking gear. Wohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Decided to go with Milla to London in December.
Decided to meet up with Tisa while I'm in London.
Decided to go with the Erasmus Society to Folly Farm on Saturday.
Decided to go with the Hiking Club somewhere for a whole weekend.
Been buying stuff for my Halloween costume (Megamind, YAY).
Bought a new hat.
Ate my own weight in chocolate.
Been keeping my stress level down by NOT THINKING ABOUT THINGS! Taking one day at a time (to my mother's annoyance, as I never know where I'm going hiking the following weekend until I'm there)

Have some pictures:

Devils Bridge

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