mandag 27. oktober 2014

Og slik går no dagan.

Friday I had Fish and Chips for dinner, and for some reason, I got an alergic reaction to it :S The area around my lips swell and itched, and it stayed like that for a couple of days.

Saturday I went with the Erasmus Society to Folly Farm and then to a town with a Saturday market and some ruins, which I can't remember the name of (funny, if you google Wales, town and ruins, it still doesn't narrow it down). Folly Farm was OK, the zoo wasn't as great as the one in Odense, but they had some cool old carneval rides. Not to mention, they had really good fudge with honeycomb! Honeycomb is a crispy, porous kind of caramel.

Christian fant en navnebror.

Sunday we went for yet another hike, this time to Moel Siabod in Snowdoina. I had been a clever girl, setting my phone to winter time the night before. Turns out it sets itself automatically, and suddenly I only had fifteen minutes to get dressed, make lunch and pack my bag. It was a long busride, but the hike itself only lasted four hours. It was very windy, and at the top it was difficult standing up.

Dagen avsluttes med kaffe mocca.

Today I went on a fieldtrip to Ynis Hir RSPB reserve (and Mom thinks it weird that I never know where we're going, who can remeber names like that?) to look at geese.

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