mandag 22. september 2014

Meeting IBERS

I'll be writing in English from now on. My councelor mentioned something about them trying to find international students to blog about their time here at Aber, and that he maybe would like a link to this blog. So I'll have to apologize to my dad, the English teacher, and to my boyfriend, the English Language Grammar Nazi (which is OK, because I'm a total grammar nazi myself when it comes to Norwegian). There might be some errors in the future.

Today I met up with the other international students at IBERS (Institute of Biological, Ecological and Rural Sciences). It turns out we're only a few Norwegians, all from NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Sciences). The rest of the students are from Brazil, and there's quite a lot of them! It was my councelor, Rupert Marshall, who showed us around today. He's really nice and funny, and very helpful! We were shown all around the institute, and afterwards Rupert helpt me and Line with picking out our modules. It turns out I probably won't be able to take Parasitology after all :( Too bad, I really wanted to. At the moment, it looks like I'll be taking Conservation Genetics, Ethology (Animal behaviour) and Climate Change. I was looking at the books in Rupert's office, when I found a book about Zoo Science, and he told me that they run that course in the spring semester. Damn! Lucky students! I'd really like to get a job in a zoo after I graduate, but it's really difficult, and I'm not sure if I'm taking the right education for it. I'll definitely borrow that book from the library!
After meeting Rupert and IBERS, I headed up to the Union for a Traide Fair. There were shops from town and different organization having stands, giving out freebies and pamphlets. I got some chocolate and cookies, and these bisquits:
They taste kind of like "lefse", because they have this taste of "hornsalt" (Ammonium bicarbonate), but they contain raisins <3 I also signed up for a local doctor.

At 17:30 I went back to the Union for an International Students Meet and Greet. We placed a sticker on a map to show what country we were from and wrote down some Norwegian phrases on a poster. They thought only ten or so would show up, like last year, but we were about 50! Since there wasn't enough pizza to go around, a few of us went to the Union's bar and had a few beers and a pizza. I tasted Ginger Grouse, which is a really good ginger ale.

Tomorrow I'll meet up with the girls from tonight, and walk up Constipation- uhm- Constitution Hill :P

2 kommentarer:

  1. Dei kakene verkar gode, rosiner og lefse høyres som ein kanon kombinasjon! :D
    ( eg kunne heller ikkje ta parasitologi her i California :´( )

    1. Den siste kaka forsvant for en halvtime siden :S
